Underground Railroad (Registration Required)

Oakville Museum

  • ON-SITE- Available for Grade 6 Oakville HDSB and HCDSB students only.

Through virtual tours, digitized artifacts, hands-on activities, stories, and a live video interactive presentation, this inquiry-based education program helps students immerse themselves into historical experiences that offer unique opportunities to experience our shared living heritage. Students will explore Oakville’s relationship with the United States in the context of the Underground Railroad. They will learn about how Oakville Harbour played a significant role in the journey to Canada for many freedom seekers. Key figures in the Oakville Underground Railroad story are introduced through the exhibition Freedom, Opportunity and Family: Oakville’s Black History, and excerpts from the multimedia presentation The Underground Railroad: Next Stop Freedom as well as more contemporary stories from the documentary Legacy Voices.

Once registered, the Oakville Museum will be in touch regarding program details. NOTE: Busing will not be provided. Schools to book and pay for own busing.

Registration Required Below.

Book: Underground Railroad (Registration Required)

    (Program provider will confirm availability directly. Some programs will have specific availability.)

    (Some programs have limitations) Please ensure the maximum number of students attend each performance as specified by the arts organization.

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