100/Community Concierge

Welcome to the Community Concierge, the place for you, as Fundholders, to find the resources you need to better achieve your charitable goals.

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions and other content aimed at making your philanthropy an easier endeavour.

Of course, The Foundation team is here for you. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Don’t hesitate to give us a call on the Community Concierge line or send an email to the dedicated Community Concierge email. Both are listed below.

We also want to know about your experience. Your feedback helps us improve our service offering, which in turn, allows us all to work towards a better Oakville.

Connect with The Foundation

Additional Resources

As a Fundholder you will receive occasional general correspondence from The Foundation. While confidential information can only be shared with you directly in the post or through the portal, we will post all other notices here for quick reference should you need them.

Fundholder eNews

February 2024

March 2024

May 2024

Save the Date!
Holiday Party, December 4, 2024
Oakville Club